Saturday, January 10, 2009

Friday Jan. 10th

When I woke up on Friday I had two thoughts. First was that I slept much better than the night before, my thirst was not as excruciating as it had been. and the second was that if they didn't take these tubes out of me I was going to rip them out myself. I just laid there and prayed that they would let me come home that day. Check out is by 11 am. 

At 6 am they came in and said everything looked great. I had no complications whatsoever and all the tests looked good. They encouraged me that they would take the tubes out soon.

By 8 am they were asking me if I wanted to go home. After a hearty "YES" they began getting my papers in order and promised to try to get me out by noon. 

By 9 am they had the tubes out and I was able shower and do a few tests that would prove I was able to go home that day.

By 10:30 we were driving home!!!

Arrived home at 12:30pm..... Just astounding. Got to spend the rest of the day with my kids and parents and after a long day went to bed early.... 8pm!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So amazing!!! I am so excited for you and THRILLED that you are at home ALREADY!!! Praise the LORD!! :) Get some wonderful rest and let people spoil YOU! You are not allowed to clean house, cook or break a sweat! :) If I were there...I'd bring you a stack of chick flicks! :) :) :) My prayers are with you for a quick and complete and total recovery!