Thursday, July 31, 2008


Having a  blog has been such a weird experience for me because I'm never sure who is reading and therefore I'm not sure what to share or how to share certain things. One thing I haven't been sharing is HOW I am doing. I thought I'd take some time to update all of you on how we are doing physically and not just spiritually.

By now you know a lot about what is going on spiritually.... I truly am amazed at the closeness of the Lord through this valley. I suppose I should rephrase that. I guess I should say, I'm grateful for the valley because it makes me more aware of how close He is and has caused me to draw closer to Him. He never moves, I do. He has been holding me and speaking to me and ministering to me in ways that have truly blown my mind.

Physically, I am dealing with some pain everyday. I am still feeling the tumor pressing on certain areas of my brain. That feels a little unnerving at times. That is the only thing I really feel that is uncomfortable, I'm so grateful for that.

We are praying about quite a few things right now. Without going into too much detail, we are dealing with some changes here in California. We are taking time to fast and pray about what is going on and what our response should be, on all of this we will keep you posted when the unclear details become more concrete. For now we covet your prayers for wisdom and peace. 

Thank you all for loving us and for all your encouragement along the way. We are extremely puzzled by some circumstances, but greatly at peace. 

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