Friday, July 25, 2008


Last night we were sitting on our bed. It was almost time to put our little guys to bed and we were reading a Bible story and then praying together. As usual Micah was restless and wanting to just run around instead of sitting still, Ethan was riveted to the story. 

As we finished we prayed together, we asked to boys to just wait on the Lord with us. After about a minute of waiting we asked them if they had gotten a picture from the Lord. Ethan had a picture of a guy jumping into some flames. He said it was a really cool picture and he felt heat on his arms. We asked Micah if he saw anything. He said "Yes, I saw a picture of the enemy and he was lighting a house on fire".... at this point I thought he was just copying his brother, but I continued to listen. He continued "then the enemy put a little boy in the house and was trying to hurt him with the fire, but Jesus came and killed the enemy and rescued the little boy." We asked him who the little boy was and he pointed to himself.

After that we asked him if he wanted to pray and ask Jesus into his heart. He said yes and prayed the sweetest prayer with his daddy. I wish we could have had it recorded. We had the pleasure of leading both our children to the Lord, but I don't think I could ever get tired of that amazing experience. It's usually the "everyday" things that turn into something amazing.

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