Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Laid down

It seems like when it rains it pours. I know that is such an overused phrase, but there really is no better one for times of being overwhelmed. 

As many of you know my neighbors, Rick and Laura, are friends and they are also former employers. I used to care for Laura who has MS when her husband, a firefighter, worked. I quit my job Feb. 2007 but have been helping when they need a substitute for their other caretaker. Rick has been having heart issues and today is having surgery. It's a minor procedure but still heart surgery. In the meantime I am helping to care for Laura. 

In the midst of all that, I feel like I am on the phone so much trying to schedule this appointment and that test for myself. Not to mention getting two boys to this meeting and that swim lesson and this tutor session etc. etc. etc...... I'm exhausted.

In the midst of exhaustion though I feel like the Lord really spoke to us and gave us peace finally last night. It took a week of "why" and "how" and "where are you" to finally come to peace. My mom sent us encouragement thru the story of Abraham sacrificing Isaac. Abraham said "I know that even if I put the promise (Isaac) on the altar and sacrifice him you can bring resurrection life". The Lord spoke the  same thing to us. We know what we heard at the beginning of this journey, the promise that He would be my healer, I know that can be taken so many ways, but I truly believe God isn't this ethereal being that primarily speaks in riddles. I believe he meant that he was going to physically heal my body. So since that hasn't manifested yet, we are asking the why question. He answers by saying "it's time for surgery". Personally I don't feel like surgery is healing. I believe it is god given wisdom to certain individuals and I'm grateful for the medical field.... however, it's not healing it's surgery. I'm believing for healing.

Before last night I wasn't sure if I would ever be able to pray in faith for another person to be healed again. However last night He returned my joy and my peace and I can stand in faith today and say that I know my God will heal me, but even if He doesn't I will still worship him and my resolve to see the sick healed when I pray for them will be even stronger than ever before. Either way, We Win! I'm sobered by the stand so many have taken in the church, the stand of being unsure what the Lord really wants to do. Because we don't see true miracles very often we think the Lord doesn't want to do them. That is the attitude I will fight until the day I die. I KNOW my God wants to heal. Just because it doesn't turn out like I think it will every time doesn't mean He won't or doesn't want to. It just means I don't know everything... I need to adjust my hearing. 

So for now we are going to see the surgeon on October 29. He will give us a surgery date and if it goes as quickly as it was scheduled to go I will be fully recovered by Thanksgiving. Thank you all for your prayers. Please pray that the healing will still manifest! We appreciate it.

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