Monday, August 18, 2008


Just a couple of quick cute things our boys have said lately......

Daniel is in the middle of  an extended fast, it always tweaks the boys when daddy doesn't eat what they are eating, mostly because food is such  major focus for the boys and daddy loves to "feed" (pun intended) that focus...... Anyway, every night at dinner time I will pull down 3 plates intead of 4 and Micah always looks at them and says "is daddy still starving?"...... A very fitting thing to call it.

Last night as we were eating I was discussing with the boys the new schedule for our school year. One of the new things we will be doing is being involved in a co-op on Friday's with the homeschooling group. I was asking the boys which class they wanted to be involved in and as I described each they had various looks of interest or disinterest. Finally they decided they wanted to be a part of a bird class where they will be studying various birds, doing projects involving birds etc. When they had made their decision Micah looks up with bright eyes and said "Are we going to get to eat them when we are done?".......

Finally we have trained our boys to do the killing of the flies in our house, something they are very willing and capable of doing. Micah is especially eager and quite good at killing these pests, not only is he accurate with his aim, he is incredibly powerful with his swat resulting in quite a mess when he is done.... often he will run into the kitchen out of breath and ask excitedly "Mommy, quick, I need the fly whopper"...... if he doesn't get it fast enough he will go after it with his bare hand..... not a pretty sight.

Boys are so fun!

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