Sunday, February 8, 2009

Quick note

It's late and we've had a crazy weekend and are heading to bed soon, but I realized I'm not sure when I'm going to be near a computer or have time to update in the next week so I thought I'd take a second to do that now.

Our weekend was very very wet, but we live among die hard yard salers so we ended up having our moving sale anyway and made over $200! We were thrilled. So we are grateful that is over with, amazed at the junk people buy and the fact that all the "good stuff" that was worth money didn't sell. 

Today was also our last day at church here in Santa Ynez. Wow, what a deal it was to say goodbye to all the dear ones we have stood with, loved on, laughed with, cried with for over 9 years. It was very emotional. Some we have buried their loved ones and cried with them. Others we have prayed for every week for physical healing. Still others we have ministered with, gone on youth trips with. They have let us try out crazy ideas for ministry on them, and they've loved us thru it. It is impossible to put into words the love we have for this tough and feisty group of people. 9 years is a long time and we are thrilled to call them family.

After a quick trip to Santa Barbara (just over the hill) this evening for dinner with Daniel's parents we are home. Daniel's mom Diane had double knee replacement surgery this last week and so they are staying down there for a few days in a rehabilitation place where she is literally having to re-learn  how to walk. She is a tough lady! The doctors are thrilled with her progress though and can't believe how quickly she is healing. Praise the Lord.

We head out to Arizona early in the morning to see Daniel's grandparents. They live in Mesa and we haven't seen them in a while. We are looking forward to that visit. We will head back this way on Tues. night and hit Knott's Berry Farm on Wednesday for some much needed fun time with our boys. They have been major troopers thru this season and are so excited to be going, but we really wanted to play too.

Some great answers to prayer in the last few days! We have a place to live. My parents bought a house so the rental they are in right now (a 2 bedroom approx. 1500 sq. foot home) is available and the landlady said she would gladly rent to us. It is such a blessing because we won't need all the extra money other places need like 2 months of rent or a cleaning deposit etc. Plus the added bonus of a familiar home for the boys is greatly appreciated. Such a relief to know where we will be living once we get there. For those of you who don't have that address it is :

61510 Maid Maria Ct.
Bend, OR 97702

and yes, that is Maid Marian as in Robin Hood. We are living in Nottingham Square housing development :o)

Soo. Here we go. Please pray for us this week. Once we get home on Wed. night we will get the UHaul on Thurs. morning, pack it up, clean on Fri. and then head out early Sat. morning. We plan to stop in Redding on Sat. night and arrive in Bend sometime on Sunday. 

The week promises to be very very busy but exciting. 
Main prayer requests are for safety as we travel, perfect working order of the cars, Health (so far we are all very healthy, please pray that continues), grace for Neal and Diane. They will be coming home to an empty house and that could be quite a shock even though they are prepared for it. Please also pray that they will find someone quickly to rent our part of the house. 

We will update as we can, until then we thank you for your prayers and love.

Here we go!

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