Saturday, June 28, 2008

we're home

Daniel and I got back from Florida a couple days ago. It was so fun to see our boys. We really really missed them, I'm afraid we missed them more than they missed us. Our trip home was interesting. We had gone to sleep at 2 am and then had to get up at 4:30 am to get to the airport on time, so we were functioning on 2 1/2 hours of sleep all day and that was quite painful at times, but we really felt the grace of God.

We had such a wonderful time. We had the best trip ever. No complications of any kind. We enjoyed everything. Had several amazing opportunities to minister to other people and pray for them and that was definitely a highlight.

I think one of the major things the Lord did is break off all the heaviness that comes from living in California. Most people here are so naturally unkind and isolated. I have been amazed how much we had gotten used to that and bought into that over the past years... We felt like we came alive again in a way by just getting away.

We went to this Revival outpouring that is going on in Florida right now. We've been watching it happen for about 2 months now, the Outpouring has lasted 3 months now and so many people have been saved and healed and even raised from the dead, and it's been amazing to watch. If you haven't heard about it you can watch it on on the internet or if you have direct tv it's on there also. Anyway, we enjoyed the worship, the teachings, just the presence of the Lord and getting together with almost 10,000 people every night who are from all over the world and hungry for a new move of God.

Since we've been back I feel like I've been given new glasses to see out of. Even just yesterday going about doing my errands with the boys I just began asking the Lord for opportunities to touch other people and not just be in "go" mode. I saw three different people that I got to minister to... it was so amazing. One had just lost her baby the weekend before so I got to pray with her, another is beginning to search for Jesus and I gave her a word of knowledge that the Lord had spoken to me about her and she was blown away and so overwhelmed that the Lord had  spoken specifically about her to me, and the third was a woman who lost her dad to cancer 3 years ago and hasn't ever recovered from that, she is just now coming back to the Lord and Daniel and I got to pray over her and minister to her thru some prophecy....... So amazing how many opportunities we have when we are simply willing to step  out.

Anyway, it was great to go, it's great to be back. Thank you to everyone who prayed for us while we were away.

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