I've reached one of those milestone marks in our lives. Ethan is graduating from Kindergarten next week. This is his year book picture
He is a part of a homeschooling charter school here in the valley. The charter school is only 2 years old and Ethan was the only kindergartner this year. He and I do most of his schooling here at home, but we are helped by a teacher at the charter school once a week. All his materials come from the charter school we get all the help and support we need from his teacher with the joy of getting to teach him here at home. Plus they organize lots of interactive groups with kindergarten, first and second graders involved. Also they organize field trips regularly. We get to go to Santa Barbara to one of the performing arts theatres there for some amazing productions, all for free!!! It's the perfect situation for us.
He is almost done with his first year and I can't say how thrilled I am to see the progress he has made this year and to realize I was the one who taught him all that makes it all the more thrilling for me. He is brilliant, what can I say.
Today we are going to celebrate his graduation. He has always wanted to go bowling so we are going to humor him and take him bowling and then for pizza afterwards. Next week is Micah's birthday and Father's day so we didn't want graduation to get lost in the shuffle. He is quite happy to celebrate early.... I'm wondering if his ability to finish his school work next week will be a struggle because of the early celebration.... oh well.
Next year I'll have a kindergartner and a first grader!! Double the work for me, but I have to say I really do love it most of the time.
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