My little Micah turns 5 today. This day is very special because he was actually born on Father's Day. He has been my little charmer from the minute he was born. Micah faced some medical issues when he was first born. So much drama surrounded those first few days of his life. Lots of tears, lots of unanswered questions, but everytime I looked into his beautiful face I melted and knew that the Lord had truly blessed me with a miracle.
Micah was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when he was brand new (a condition where the thyroid, located in the neck doesn't work properly or is non existant) and although a very treatable disease, it is one that is very dangerous if not caught immediately. Thankfully Micah has the best pediatrician in the world and the Lord gave her amazing wisdom concerning our little man.
Micah faces on a regular basis is blood draws. He only has to have one every 6 months to a year now, but when he was small he would have them as often as once a month. This required a wrestling match of keeping all limbs pinned down with the help of two nurses and either Daniel or I. Amazing how strong a 5 month old baby can be. Now he is familiar with the pain and the process and although it is far from enjoyable he faces it like a trooper every time. One thing that these blood draws has done is it has made Micah a very very compassionate boy. I don't think he would ever intentionally hurt anyone (except his brother when he's being picked on). He doesn't even like watching cartoons cry.
Micah has a friend named Julia that is exactly 2 months older than he is. She is his best friend and both have decided (apart from any help from her parents or us) that they are going to marry each other. Every time we play the game of LIFE he always claims, "this is Julia" when he gets his pink peg to stick in his car.
Micah is extremely loyal, generous, compassionate and generally just an amazing boy. Last night I said "I'm so sad you are going to be 5 because that means I won't have anymore babies." He said "I know God is just going to have to give us a sister". I said, "Why don't you pray that"... he said "Dear Jesus, thank you that you have a baby sister for our family"...... Melt my Heart!!!
My children are truly my joy and my delight.
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