Saturday, June 13, 2009

Growing up

This is a particularly exciting weekend for us. Last night we celebrated the graduation of Ethan from 1st grade and Micah from Kindergarten. Our tradition is to go bowling for their party and we had a great time. Micah outscored all of us... something he was quite thrilled about. 

Homeschooling has been so rewarding. To look at my kids and see the progress they have made from this time last year is astounding. In so many ways they are little sponges that soak up whatever you give them to learn. But with teaching our kids the progress is line upon line and precept upon precept so it isn't always measurable, but then when you finish a whole year and look back there is much satisfaction in what has been accomplished.

We are praying and asking the Lord for wisdom for next year. I want to homeschool but am asking the Lord what He has for my kids. For now I'm super happy to not have to do school everyday. I'm ready for a break.

Our second celebration is Micah. He turns 6 on Monday!!! I can hardly believe he is 6. He is such a joy. Hungry for knowledge, loves to learn, is compassionate at his core and the most devoted little guy I've ever met. He is still in love with his VeggieTales, at this point he claims he will love them until he is a daddy and can pass the love on to his children. I hope he isn't disappointed :o)

We are so blessed to have two amazingly healthy boys that are great buddies. It's times like these that I feel like I'm overflowing with gifts from the Lord. So so good to me!

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