Monday, January 26, 2009


We've had a very full week.... as you can imagine. Yesterday Daniel's brother Jon and his beautiful wife Cyndi gave birth to twin boys. The boys arrived 10 weeks early but are now stable and supposed to do just fine. They were each 3 lbs. but need to be in the hospital from 5 - 8 weeks. Please pray for their finances to support this unexpected surprise and blessing. 

We got our bill in the mail on Saturday from my surgery. We were surprised how quickly they billed us... I suppose we shouldn't be. Anyway. As we opened it and tried to decipher it we saw that the two bills together equaled over $50,000! Whew! That is just a little over 48 hours of  care! Unbelieveable. Even better than that however is that we don't own one cent!!! Our insurance covers every single penny! Total miracle! We are beyond thrilled.

It truly does seem to pour when it rains. We feel like we are standing here with mouths hanging open just staring and watching the Lord do what He loves to do best.... take care of His kids. There are so many things that the Lord has put together that we never imagined, too numerous to name each... we just continue to be in awe.

Daniel is finishing his final two weeks of work now and finding great favor with his bosses and co workers. Everyone is so sad to see him go. 

I am headed to the surgeons for a final check up on Thursday. 

We've spotted the light at the end of the tunnel!


Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord for His wonderful love for us...his kids! (I love how you put that!) I love reading your blog Heather! I am always encouraged and my faith grows more and more each time I read about the awesome things the Lord continues to do in your lives!! Your words always put a smile on my face and continue to encourage me to keep pressing forward and trusting in the Lord for ALL areas of my life. Reading your blog makes me want to grow closer to the Lord each and every day. Thank you for sharing your sweet relationship with Him to us! :) :)

PS...I love this background the best! :) hee hee

Sara Jean said...

Hey Heather,
That's so funny on Tuesday the 27th my brother in law had twin boys too! they were each just a little under 6 lbs.
Can't wait for you guys to get here, let us know what we can do to help:)